In Luke 11, we see one
request that shows sheds an enormous amount of light on the importance of a
thing we call prayer. Jesus is with His disciples when they ask Him to teach
them to pray. Verse 1 says, " One day Jesus was praying in a certain place.
When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray,
just as John taught his disciples." At the surface level, this might not
seem like that big of a deal. The disciples were just curious what this guy was
doing and wanted to learn more about it right? Wrong. This was actually the
only account in scripture when the disciples ask Jesus to teach them something.
There is no doubt that these men saw that God Himself placed a high priority on
prayer and needed it. If Jesus needed to pray, how much more
do we? I'm sure the disciples thought the same thing.
week Pastor Mark Batterson of National Community Church in Washington, D.C.
spoke here at Lancaster Bible College. Pastor Mark spoke on prayer and revealed
many life-changing truths behind this, but there is one thing he said that just
stuck out to me. He said, "Prayer is the difference between the best you
can do and the best God can do." Guys and girls, if you want to see big
things happen, if you want to see your friends change, if you want to see your
own life transformed from the inside out...start with prayer. Things may not
happen overnight, but you never know when God is going to move.
reality in Luke 11 is that the disciples did not ask Jesus to teach them HOW to
pray, but rather TO pray. In Psalm 109 David said, "I give myself to
prayer." Give yourself to prayer today.
As Pastor Mark would also say, "Praying
is recognizing that God is God and I am not."
from Team Charger Challenge
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