Wednesday, October 3, 2012

More than cardboard
Hello. Aimee Cannette here. I am the lyricist and videographer of “Home”. I was asked (quite some time ago, to be honest – I’m slacking, and I apologize) to write a short entry about this song and video. I’ve been thinking on it, and I’ve decided that the best place start is always the beginning. So let’s begin there.

Last year, during the Spring Semester of college, my dorm section seemed to be hit by one thing followed by another. It didn’t seem like our lives would ever calm down or seem slightly normal. Two of the girls that were living with us the previous semester moved out due to financial issues, one girl lost her father over the break, another one of our girls (who had just joined us for the spring semester) found out that her grandfather was very sick… the list really does go on and on.

Facing these difficulties, I realized that it is so easy to lose track of who we are or where we’re going in life. It’s easy to lose sight of God, and to feel like He’s nowhere near where we are. “Home” is about that. It’s about losing sight of God, but finding our way back to Him.

We fight with God so much in our lives, complaining and blaming (Him, ourselves, and others) about every new turn that comes our way. And we cry out to God, yelling, “Where are You now? Where are You while I’m going through this? Where are You, God? You said You would never leave me or forsake me. You said You would catch me when I fall. But where are You?”

We seem to forget that God doesn’t ever leave us. As the bridge of the song goes, God is the whisper in the silence, He is the calm in the storm, and He is the light in the darkness surrounding us. He’s there, and He loves us unconditionally. He will help us through whatever it is that we’re going through.

The video was much easier than writing the song, in all honesty. It kind of just came together. All of those people in it have or are going through what is written on their papers. They struggle, just like you and me. These are people that I know and that I consider friends. I can go to each of them throughout the day. They are real. I sincerely hope that you understand that. You aren’t alone in whatever you’re going through. Other people are going through things just like you. They know pain, and they know suffering.

But here’s the great thing that they’ve found out, and I hope you know as well.

God is always there. He is always here. God is our Home. He is our refuge and our strength. When we’re so confused and so scared that we’re crying out to God “Save me, God. I need you now. Where are you?” He whispers back that He is here. During the chaos of the world, when nothing seems to slow down, God is the whisper that says, “I’m here…” When the storms are raging in life, God is there to calm us and protect us, saying, “I’m your comfort…” When there seems to be darkness all around us that we can’t get out of, God is there, shining His light and is calling to us, “Come home…”

So, that is where this song came from. It was my cry to God, asking, “Where are you now? Why can’t I feel you?” But, it’s also God’s response. His whispered words of encouragement… “I’m right here. I’m waiting for you. Come home.”

Think this video is cool or you were encouraged? Make your own!

You don't have to be a technology guru to get involved. Simple steps:

1. Identify an area of struggle. Write this on one side of a piece of cardboard.
2. Identify the freedom Christ gave you from this area and who you are in Him. Write this on the other side of the cardboard.
3. Get friends to do the same!
4. Use your creativity and make a video, slide show, or take pictures.
5. Send them to us so we can share them with others.
6. Sit back and watch God move!

Send us your story at or post it on one of our social media sites!

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