So this whole movement we are on is to try to get people to Be 4 Real right? So what does that actually look like and what are some of the things it entails? Certainly there are many things that may come to your mind, and they are probably correct. But when we break it down to the core, what I see is love. When I think love, I think Christ. God gave up His only Son Jesus Christ who willingly died for us - that's love folks, that's mega love. The reality is that we are to love in the same way.
In order to Be 4 Real, love is absolutely necessary. If we do not love, we will never be completely real. Love provides freedom not only for you, but for others. It is easy to love those who love us though right? Loving those who don't love us or persecute us or make fun of us is a completely different story. The unique thing about "Walk the Line" and the rest of the Be 4 Reals is that you will be next to and across from people you don't always like. Mark 12:31 says, "Love your neighbor as yourself". Guess what? You don't always like your neighbor! Christ calls us to a higher standard.
Proverbs 25: 21-22 says this,
"If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you."
The necessities for survival during the time period this Proverb was written are the same as they are today: water, food, and shelter. In order to cook food and heat your house, fire was necessary via burning coals. When their fire would go out they could no longer make certain foods or heat their house. When the burning coals would go out in the Palestinian culture, the people would walk around their village or community with a bucket on their head. This symbolized that they needed more coals, which really led to their survival. Let me take you back to Proverbs 25 - "For you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you." This is no the "kill them with kindness" or get under their skin that we often prefer. When someone would put a burning coal on their head they were actually loving them. The were actually giving them exactly what they needed at that time.
We hope that you too would place burning coals on your neighbors head (not literally!). Loving others is not just a suggestion, it is what Christ calls us to do. You are going to walk the line next to people you don't always like; maybe they are one of your biggest enemies. The reality is that we never really know what is going on in this person's heart until we take the time to love them. Being 4 Real enables you to love God, which will inevitably allow you to love others out of that overflow.
Some of us are the ones walking around with buckets on our head while others are the ones who really need a coal.
Have their back!
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