Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lancaster Bible College students participating in the Team Charger Challenge

Welcome to the official blogging site of Team Charger Challenge! We are a brand new ministry through Lancaster Bible College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Maybe you have heard of Team Charger? If so, great! They are awesome! We are a branch of Team Charger and hope to make the same kind of impact they did in their summer ministry. We are unique in that we exist to specifically serve Christian schools, youth groups, and beyond. Team Charger Challenge was created to encourage students to be more transparent in their relationships and walk more deeply in community with one another. Our end goal is to see a lasting transformation  in the culture of Christian students. Our Be4Real Challenge is a 6 ½ hr. program, which can be tailored for your retreat, chapel service, etc. The Challenge consists of four main techniques allowing teens to be authentic with one another and Be4Real:

The Iceberg: activities designed to engage students and break down barriers
If You Really Knew Me: authentic time with small groups
Walk-the-Line: powerful visual demonstration of authenticity and true community
Celebration: testimonies, commitments, and celebrating who we are in God’s eyes

Interested in Team Charger Challenge or want more information? Contact us at:

717.569.7071 ext. 5571

1 comment:

  1. What a great program. I have attended a couple bible colleges within the past few years. I have always enjoyed the programs and studies put on through the schools. Thanks so much for sharing.
